Monday, March 5, 2012

"A Real Woman": Today I did the next one on the list. "Realizes her imperative need to allow the Holy Spirit to control her emotions and expressions of them." While I was reading the verse given (James 1:19-20) I realized that God really is in control of all that happens in our lives. He gave me my life, and has the power to do anything he wills with it. So with my emotions, I am now giving them to God. Bringing before Him, the good and the bad. All of it is ultimately in His hands. So I am going to work hard at being aware of my emotions, so that way the more I know the more I can bring to God. In the end it is His will that will prevail. I am going to strive everyday to be aware of my emotions and bring them to God. So that when the day is over He is still my number one.

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